Communitas : forgiveness, reciprocation, space to be selfish, faith in sincerity, trust, gratitude
Emanation : the cohering(Descending) into intelligibility
Flow: continuous sampling event which puts you on the poetic/participatory side of your brain. You accept error in order to reach a goal and see error as a learning mode rather than as an obstacle
Telic : First order effects of an action – primarily having mode
Paratelic : Second order effects of an action – primarily being mode
Discernment : The ability to differentiate one thing from another thing, knowing a proper whole and a proper part.
Emanation : the cohering(Descending) into intelligibility
Wisdom : ability to look at your own perspectives in relation to multiple other perspectives and choose a path (wise people are good at sorting multiple decisions)
Participation : Enacted in the world (subject), Author (co-creator), Director (subjecting)
Emergence : That which comes up from below – novelty
Re-enchantment : opening the world back up to potential, complexifying the world, adding a richness and wonder to the world for the observer
Religion : right relationship with the true, the good and the beautiful